President of the Republic, Abdelaziz Bouteflika, urged Monday the United
Nations Organization, on the occasion of its day, to establish a new post-2015
development program, "so as to meet the peoples’ expectations for
well-being.""To this urgent call is added the need for projecting our peoples’
expectations for a fairly shared wellbeing in a new post-2015 development
program and through the conclusion of a new agreement on climate change,"
President Bouteflika underlined in a message read by FM secretary general
Nourredine Aouam, on the occasion of United Nations Day.According to him, these
new gains, that Algeria "fully supports, should reinforce UN central role in
harmonizing the interests and combining the efforts of member states to achieve
extraordinarily important common objectives."In this regard, he recalled Algeria
role and its commitment in the UN organization, mentioning the various
contributions it brought to the international community."Algeria is proud to be
an active and committed member of the United Nations. Its contemporary history,
notably its national liberation struggle and the multifaceted contributions it
kept giving to promote peace, friendly relations and cooperation between
Nations, make ample proof," he emphasized in his message."The prevention actions
and conflict settlements in which Algeria contributes, its commitment against
terrorism and transnational crime, as well as its contributions to practical
solidarity in development, chiefly the complete writing-off of the debts for
large number of brotherly and friendly countries, are as convincing evidence,"
he added.President Bouteflika reiterated "Algeria commitment to a fruitful
dialogue among religions and cultures."
Western sahara : President Bouteflika underlines human rights
President of the Republic Abdelaziz Bouteflika underlined Monday the
necessity to set up a mechanism for human rights monitoring and protection in
Western Sahara, which has been struggling for its independence since nearly 40
years."The necessity to set up a human rights monitoring mechanism in Western
Sahara is more topical than ever," said President Bouteflika in a message to the
African Conference of Solidarity with Sahrawi Cause in Nigerian capital, read on
his behalf by Justice Minister Tayeb Louh."Algeria remains convinced that the
expansion of MINURSO (United Nations Mission for Referendum in Western Sahara)’
mandate to include human rights monitoring is a necessity," said the Head of
State."Algeria remains convinced that the expansion of MINURSO (United Nations
Mission for Referendum in Western Sahara)’ mandate to include human rights
monitoring is a necessity," said the Head of State."International community
should not remain indifferent to the systematic violations of human rights in
the occupied territories to suppress the peaceful struggle of citizens for the
freedom of association, demonstration and expression," said President
Bouteflika.The Head of State also reiterated Algeria’s support to the Sahrawi
cause, adding that "Algeria, which has always fully supported the struggle of
peoples for freedom, particularly in our continent, will continue to support the
people of Western Sahara in their struggle for their rights."